Substance: Caffeine

info About

Caffeine is a stimulating substance from the methylxanthine family. It has a very broad action mechanism, involving adenosine, dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, glutamate...

It is found in coffee and tea, but also in energy drinks and sometimes as a cutting agent (notably for cocaine, heroin and amphetamine).


bubble_chart Synergistic tendency



The combination of these substances attenuates some of their effects and increases others.
Reliability: hypothetical.
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error_outline Estimated risk



This combination presents relatively low physical or mental risks, or may result in risky situations.
Reliability: hypothetical.
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flare About effects

Of the seven user reports found (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7): three (2, 3, 4) report nausea; two (2, 3) report high anxiety; two (1, 6) report discomfort; two (5, 7) describe a more energetic and lucid experience.

In mice, small doses of ketamine increase locomotor activity (but not high doses). In this study and this one, the combination of caffeine and ketamine increased locomotor activity more than either product alone. This is consistent with some reports of more energetic experiences (5, 7).

The two products do not appear to interact kinetically.

menu_book About risks

Feedback reports cases of nausea (2, 3, 4), anxiety (2, 3) and discomfort (1, 6). The small number of feedbacks, despite the widespread use of caffeine, and their almost exclusively negative nature, perhaps indicate that users only report problems, which therefore seem to be rather rare.

Independently, both products increase blood pressure, and it is likely that such effects are added when the two are mixed, which could be an issue for people suffering from hypertension. According to this systematic review in humans, the increase in blood pressure caused by caffeine is potentiated by stress and disappears with regular intake, which leads to tolerance. In this study on humans, 0.5 mg/kg of ketamine (a dose supposed to enable consciousness) increased blood pressure only slightly.

The combination of anaesthetic and stimulant effects theoretically entails contextual risks (e.g. of injury), although we found no reports of this.

According to this study, caffeine lowers the lethal dose of ketamine in mice.


bubble_chart Synergistic tendency



These substances do not interact significantly. Their effects are similar and add up.
Reliability: hypothetical.
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This combination presents relatively low physical or mental risks, or may result in risky situations.
Reliability: proven.
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flare About effects

La caféine et la MDMA sont des stimulants du système nerveux. Les effets recherchés de la caféine (sentiments d'éveil et de lucidité) font déjà partie des effets de la MDMA. Des témoignages rapportent une augmentation de la tachycardie.

Ces substances agissent toutes deux sur la dopamine. Les expérimentations animales, rapportée par cette méta-étude, mettent en évidence une synergie mal connue. Certains travaux suggèrent une potentialisation.

menu_book About risks

Cette méta-étude signale une augmentation significative de la tachycardie, de l'hyperthermie (coup de chaud) et de la toxicité sérotoninergique à long terme. En fonction de la dose de caféine, les risques de la MDMA sont donc accrus. Ainsi, des usagers déconseillent cette association en raison de sa cardiotoxicité.


bubble_chart Synergistic tendency



The effects of this combination are not known.

error_outline Estimated risk



The combination of these substances does not significantly increase their risks compared to independent use.
Reliability: unknown.

flare About effects

Il ne semble pour l'instant pas y avoir d'étude scientifique ni de retour d'expérience à propos de cette combinaison.

menu_book About risks

Le site, qui recense les effets des médicaments et les risques de leurs interactions, ne contient aucune donnée pour cette combinaison. Néanmoins, la consommation récréative est souvent bien différente de l'utilisation médicale et peut présenter des risques inattendus.

Le site indique, bien que rien ne permette de l'affirmer, que le protoxyde d’azote pourrait être plus dangereux en combinaison avec les produits ayant un impact sur la pression sanguine ou le rythme cardiaque. Comme c’est le cas de la caféine, on peut en conclure que cette combinaison doit être faite avec précaution chez les personnes à risques cardio-vasculaires. Le manque d’oxygène ayant un rôle dans la tachycardie du protoxyde d’azote, il est important de respirer régulièrement hors du ballon et d’espacer les prises.

De son côté, TripSit indique une synergie neutre sans risque particulier (l'affirmation n'est pas sourcée).
