Combinations of psychoactive substances

Effects and risks of drug mixtures aims to deliver verifiable data on drug interactions. To date, our database is still very incomplete. It is possible to browse through the entire application, but we encourage you to use our smallers but completed thematic portals instead.

2C-x Alcohol Amphetamine Benzodiazepines Caffeine Cannabis Cathinones Cocaine DMT DXM GHB Ketamine LSD MAOI MDMA MXE Neuroleptics Nicotine Nitrous oxide Opiates PCP Poppers Psilocybin (S)SRI Tramadol

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Mixtures is on TV! link

Published 4 months, 1 week ago by xyzt_

xyzt_'s avatar

As you can see on this video, Mixtures' super-secret summary table was broadcast on the Takati programme on the Swiss television channel RTS.

OK, there are still a lot of question marks. But little by little, we're making progress...

Next objective, mixtures in prime time on TF1.

Edited 1 month ago

Happy Birthday Mixtures ! link

Published 1 year ago by Tridi

Tridi's avatar


Already 82 interaction sheets, and even more in draft form. Slowly but steadily, Mixtures is growing in stature!

Four years old, it's time to learn how to speak, and why not a foreign language? We're gently preparing the internationalization of the project, which is already technically possible. With the experience submission form, we're opening the door to more fluid communication.

Because we're not backed by any organization, and we haven't studied management/communication/whatever, all this will evolve as we make our many mistakes and disillusions. I can't wait to get to know the future Mixtures :3

Edited 4 months, 1 week ago

Progress is unstoppable link

Published 1 year ago by Tridi

Tridi's avatar

As I mechanically reread the GHB x MDMA sheet, one of the first I'd dealt with, I was struck by the paucity of content. There was no testimonial, and a simple literature review described in the vaguest terms.

I remember it now: I approached this project with the fantasy of solid, conclusive, scientific data; I hadn't realized that user feedback can compensate for a lack of academic data, and also has its own value.

To bring this sheet up to our current standards, I dug out a few Reddit threads, a topic on Bluelight... There wasn't much there, of course (GHB combinations don't get much feedback); but it allowed me to evoke the effects of the mixture with more accuracy, I hope (at least, less naivety).

Then I wanted to cross-check with this famous literature review. And then I got a slap in the face: I remembered that

  • at the time, I didn't read English very well (compared to now);
  • I had a poor grasp of pharmacological concepts;
  • unfamiliar with reading academic papers, I was overwhelmed by this mess of sources;

In short: in the end, I'd done precisely what Mixtures claims to avoid, i.e. the mindless repetition of secondary sources.

Armed with almost four years' experience (we're celebrating Mixtures on March 29!) and a vague sense of shame (it can't remain that way!!!), I proceeded to exhaustively read the paper's few relevant paragraphs. I went back to the sources, discovered several nice little studies, and even found an error that led me to send this e-mail:

Hello, I think they may be a mistake in this review :

Said :"In rats, acute GHB may augment MDMA-induced hyperthermia (van Nieuwenhuijzen and McGregor, 2009)."

But when checking the source : "MDMA administration increased body temperature (p < 0.01) and the co-administration of GHB attenuated this hyperthermic response (Fig. 6a)."

So it seems that acute GHB does not augment MDMA-induced hyperthermia, but attenuates it.

Best regards

The new sheet is just great! And it shows how far we've come:

  • skills acquired,
  • refined convictions,
  • the sense of relevance that comes with proposing.

Of course, it would have been better to have had quality content from the start. But we're just miserable drug geeks out to conquer knowledge 😼